Bangor University working towards becoming a ‘Dementia friendly' University


Around the world, many organisations are actively working to develop dementia friendly communities. This requires everyone to share responsibility for ensuring that people with dementia feel understood, valued and able to contribute to their community.

Building on the well-established track record of research excellence at Bangor, in November 2018 a Steering Group was established to discuss how Bangor University would work towards becoming a dementia friendly university.

Pro Vice Chancellor, Professor Jerry Hunter said, "this development is hugely important and one that fits in with the ethos and vision of Bangor University. Given the history of the good work in dementia care that has taken place at the university over the years, and given all the work of bridging dementia and the arts, this is a natural step for Bangor and one that is very welcome."

Becoming a dementia friendly university is not going to happen overnight, but there are some fantastic projects that are already underway across the University.  

  • ‘Pontio’ the arts and innovation centre, has been active in raising awareness about dementia through performances and community projects such as ‘Voices’, where secondary school children visited residents in a local care home. The weekly conversations were recorded and performed as a play. Front of house staff in Pontio have attended Dementia Friends awareness sessions to ensure they are equipped to welcome those living with dementia to the centre. They also provide a free seat to carers or family members accompanying a person living with dementia to films or shows.
  • DSDC Wales Research Centre have delivered dementia friends awareness sessions to 398 people (as at 20/11/2019). For further information about sessions, please contact Catrin Hedd Jones (

Bangor University Dementia Friendly Steering Group



James Ibell

Expert by experinece

Glenda Roberts

Expert by experinece

Ifor Roberts

Expert by experience

Gill Windle

Professor of Ageing and Dementia Research

Catrin Hedd Jones

Chairperson 2018-2020


Jennifer Roberts

Deputy Sec. 2019-2020

Research Officer


Actions selected for 2021 - 2022

Help people with getting gardens tidy
Raising awareness of Dementia amongst the Chinese community
Emphasis on teaching skills to people, e.g. virtual meetings etc
Carers in the community (including Young Carers)
Health & Education (engage with Medical Students early on)


Terms of Reference

The terms of reference can be found here: Terms of Reference


Student Involvement

Volunteering opportunities supported by the Students Union: Cynnwys y Myfyrwyr_Student Involvement


Minutes from Steering Group Meetings





Contact details

If you are interested in our work - please join the Facebook Group

Follow us on Twitter



Actions selected for 2019 - 2020