Postgraduate Research Students


Name   Title Status
Laura Braithwaite
Graham Leslie Haynes PhD A study of older people’s views about the role of community in facilitating them to age well within the rural context  
Genevieve Hopkins

Exploring the development and implementation of a new integrated health and social care model

Published Paper:

Beyond social prescribing - the use of social return on investment (SROI) analysis in integrated health and social care interventions in England and Wales: a protocol for a systematic review

Hannah Jelley

Co-creating a resilience-building framework for people with dementia and their carers

Book Chapter:

Working together to research the everyday lives of people living with dementia and those supporting them

Onn Laingoen PhD An exploration of HIV prevention interventions targeted at Hill Tribe groups in Northern Thailand Submitted
Pamela McCafferty PhD Comparing the challenges faced by informal British carers of a person living with dementia with Polish migrant informal carers of a person living with dementia in the UK Write up
Emma Smith PhD Integrating dementia and frailty care pathways  


MSc Ageing and Dementia Studies

** MSc Public Health and Health Promotion

 *** MSc Advanced Clinical Practice


2023 - 2024

Name   Title Status
Maria Caulfield
PhD Awarded
Bethan Naunton Morgan PhD

Adaptation of an e-health intervention ‘iSupport’ for carers of people living with rarer dementias

Published Paper:

eHealth and Web-Based Interventions for Informal Carers of People With Dementia in the Community: Umbrella Review

Clare Hughes MSc *** A scoping review of Music Therapy to support people living with dementia Write Up
Mr Sam Atkinson MSc ***   Write Up
Mr Nicholas De Mora-Mieszkowski MRes    


2022 - 2023

Name   Title Status
Naomi Boyle MRes

Exploring unscheduled care at night: the Night Owls project

Published Paper:

Exploring overnight social care for older adults: a scoping review

Millie Cheadle MSc A scoping review of training for UK prison officers to help detect and care for prisoners diagnosed with dementia Awarded
Michelle Durrant MSc A review of nutritional care that improve wellbeing outcomes for people living with dementia in long term care Completed
Suzanne Martin MSc

A review of the factors that influence the acceptance and adherence of people living with dementia using assistive technology to support their everyday activities

Jackie Penny MSc A scoping review of nutritional strategies for family care givers and formal support staff to promote nutritional intake for people living at home with dementia Completed
Adarsh Suresh Pillai MSc The experience of dementia in India: The perspectives of family members and people living with dementia Awarded
Chia Yi Tay MSc

Dementia Care in Malaysia: A review of the Informal Care Partners’ Narrative



2021 - 2022

Name   Title Status
Ian Davies Abbott PhD Discourse and dementia: an appreciative inquiry Awarded
Kodchawan Doungsong MSc ** Models of dementia care in low to middle income countries and how could this be applied to Thailand - Scoping Review Awarded

Niharika Gutt

MSc ** Interventions for post-stroke depression. A scoping review Awarded
Sophia Keene MSc What are the internal and external influences for healthcare staff's attitudes towards people living with dementia in the acute hospital setting? A scoping review Awarded


2020 - 2021

Name   Title Status
Sean Page PhD Compassionate Dementia Care: The Conceptualisations of Acute Hospital Nurses Awarded
Penny Alexander MRes

Arts and Health: Embedding the cARTrefu approach

Book chapter:

Social care with older people: embedding and sustaining practice – the cARTrefu project.

Hamdah Musaad M Alshayiq   The Impact of Social Support on Delaying the Rate of Cognitive Decline and Promoting the Quality of Life for Individuals Living with Alzheimer’s: A Systematic Review Awarded
Nel Ellis Griffith MSc ** A systematic review exploring Video Communication and Social Media Platforms use by older adults aged 60 years and above during the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on social wellbeing, social isolation and loneliness Awarded
Mari Ireland MSc

Grwpiau Cerdded a Siarad ar gyfer pobl ifanc gyda dementia a’i gofalwyr anffurfiol: Y rhwystrau, y buddion, y datblygiadau a rôl hwyluswyr

(Walk and talk group for younger people living with dementia and their carers: The barriers, benefits, developments and rile of the facilitators)
Leela Shuk Chong Leung MSc The caring approach of people with learning disabilities when they are living with dementia Awarded
Conor Martin MRes

Culturo-Linguistic Congruity in the Residential Care of the Elderly and Cognitively Impaired in North Wales

Published Paper:

Language and Culture in the Caregiving of People with Dementia in Care Homes - What Are the Implications for Well-Being? A Scoping Review with a Welsh Perspective



2019 - 2020

Name   Title Status
Alex Fryer


Mapping the challenges and enablers for adults with learning disabilities, when accessing dementia services


Gabriel Ogbodo MSc Exploring the experiences of persons living with dementia during diagnosis; A scoping review study


Lia Roberts MRes What is the impact of DementiaGo in residential homes for residents, relatives and staff?  Awarded
Mirain Llwyd Roberts MRes

Pontio’r bobl a’r gymuned : Y rhwystrau a’r heriau sy’n wynebu prosiectau pontio’r cenedlaethau gan ganolbwyntio ar gynaliadwyedd

(Bridging people and the community: Barriers and challenges for sustainable Intergenerational programmes)
Betul Sanlan MSc Exploring the Psychosocial interventions used to manage Depression in people living with Dementia within a Care Home setting Awarded
Eda Elif Uckun MSc

Attitudes of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender individuals living with dementia towards to support they receive in terms of care settings: A scoping review



2018 - 2019

Name   Title Status
Mat Philips MSc An exploratory multiple case study into the positioning of people with Dementia through the language used by nurses in a nursing assessment for placement within an older person’s mental health nursing category of care home


Alex Stirling MSc Exploring conversation-based interventions that speech and language therapists are implementing with people with dementia and their conversation partners Awarded
Delyth Fôn Thomas MSc

Darganfod persbectif unigolion ifanc sydd yn siarad y Gymraeg mewn ysgol uwchradd gwledig ac Saesneg trefol tuag at ddimensia a phobl sydd yn byw gyda dimensia: astudiaeth naratif

(Discovering the perspectives of Welsh speaking younger people in a rural secondary school and urban English towards dementia and people living with dementia:  a narrative study)


Emyr Williams MSc Exploring the impacts of Welsh medium, Community Mental Health Team practice, in delivering rural dementia care: an ethnographic study



2016 - 2017

Name   Title Status
Elizabeth Bond MSc *** An evaluation of Anticholinergic use in people with Alzheimer's disease prescribed memory drugs 


Leana Swire MSc Systematic Review: How effective communication can affect the quality of the care for people with dementia admitted in acute care settings Awarded