Health, well-being and resilience: Living as well as possible
Our work under this theme examines how we can maintain well-being and function as well as possible when faced with challenging circumstances, such as chronic and degenerative health conditions. Our work has been at the forefront of researching resilience in later life. Understanding and evaluating resilience, and how we can build resilience when faced with major health challenges is a central part of our research programme.
We examined the influence of major life events and stressful experiences across the life course, and how these helped or hindered the development of resilience in older people currently living with co-morbid health problems.
Our research identified a group of people who appear to be remarkably resilient in that they do not report experiencing mental health difficulties despite dementia or cognitive impairment. These individuals with mental health resilience are also less likely to experience loneliness.
Our current research is examining how, if at all, we can be resilient when diagnosed with a dementia. It is also examining how we can accurately measure and assess resilience as no validated measures exist for people living with dementia.
Our current research is testing the effectiveness of ‘iSupport’ an online education and self-care programme designed by the World Health Organisation to reduce distress and improve the skills and knowledge of carers of people living with dementia.
Research projects:
A randomised controlled trial and feasibility study of the effects of an e-health intervention ‘iSupport’ for reducing distress of dementia carers, especially in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. NIHR-PHR programme (£1.48m). Start date 1st January 2021 for 36 months. Team: Gill Windle (lead investigator); Co-investigators: Rhiannon Tudor Edwards, Zoe Hoare, Paul Brocklehurst, Kat Algar-Skaife, Patricia Masterson Algar, Gwenllian Hughes (Bangor); Joshua Stott and Aimee Spector (UCL); Kieren Eagan (University of Strathclyde). Partners: Carers Trust Wales, Alzheimer’s Scotland, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; with input from the WHO.
Centre for Ageing and Dementia Research (CADR). Health and Care Research Wales infrastructure award. (2.8m). 1st April 2020 for 5 years. Gill Windle is the Bangor lead and Associate Director.
The impact of multicomponent support groups for those living with rare dementias. ESRC-NIHR Dementia Research Initiative, £4,431,885.00. 1st January 2019 for 5 years. (Gill Windle co-investigator with Seb Crutch (lead), Rhiannon Tudor-Edwards, Zoe Hoare, Joshua Stott, Mary-Pat Sullivan, Paul Camic, Roberta MacKee Jackson). For more information click here
Evaluation of Psychosocial Support of the transition to retirement (Evaluation of TILL Phase 2). Centre for Ageing Better, £92,402.67. 1st December 2017 - 31st May 2019. (GW Co-investigator).
Co-creating a resilience-building framework for people living with dementia and their carers. Health and Care Research Wales Social Care PhD studentship. £59,972. 1st January 2018. (Gill Windle lead applicant and supervisor; Sion Williams co-supervisor, Hannah Jelley student).
What is the impact of DementiaGo in residential homes for residents, relatives and staff? 1st September 2018. KESS Masters By Research, £15,000. (Gill Windle and Kat Algar-Skaife supervisors; Lia H Roberts student).
Maintaining Function and Well-Being: A Longitudinal Cohort Study. Economic and Social Research Council Large Grant/HEFCfW, £3.2m. July 2010 - May 2016 (co-investigator).