Dr. Alison Orrell
Research Fellow
Tel: 01248 388788
Email: a.orrell@bangor.ac.uk
PhD Sport & Exercise Sciences, University of Birmingham
BSc (Hons) Sport Sciences, University of Wales, Bangor
Research Interests:
My research interests have revolved around ageing in place. Previously I have undertaken research in the fields of stroke and cardiac rehabilitation, urinary incontinence service development, the built environment and quality of life, care technologies and the use of linked data in social care. More recently I have become a member of the Wales School of Social Care Research and have focused on developing ways to model integrated care services for older people using social network analysis. I am currently the lead researcher on a Delphi study seeking consensus regarding research priorities in social care technologies.
Social network analysis for modelling integrated social care services for older people with complex needs: a feasibility study, £215,852 from HCRW, 2016-2018.
Training Bursary, £1000 from ESRC, 2015.
Development of a brief questionnaire measure of physical activity in cardiac rehabilitation patients, £20,040 from British Heart Foundation, 2004-2006.
Anniversary Research Fellowship from University of York, 2003-2006.
Research Student Scholarship from School of Sport & Exercise Sciences, University of Birmingham, 1999-2003.
Toms, G., Verity, .F., & Orrell, A. Social Care Technologies for Older People: Let’s Talk More About This. Technology in Society (in review).
Bentley, C.L., Powell, L.A., Orrell, A., & Mountain, G.A. (2018). Making Telecare Desirable rather than a last resort. Ageing & Society 38(5), 926-953.
Vethanayagam, N., Orrell, A., Dahlberg, L., McKee, K.J., Orme, S., Parker, S.G., & Gilhooly, M. (2017). Understanding help seeking in older people with urinary incontinence: an interview study. Health and Social Care in the Community 25(3), 1061-1069.
Using Welsh in the Community (2015). http://gov.wales/statistics-and-research/welsh-language-strategy-evaluation/?skip=1&lang=en
Bentley, C.L, Powell, L.A., Orrell, A., & Mountain, G.A. (2014). Addressing design and suitability barriers to telecare use: Has anything changed? Technology & Disability 26(4), 221-235.
Orrell, A.J., McKee, K.J., Dahlberg, L., & Parker, S.G. (2013). Improving continence services for older people – health professionals’ views and experiences of continence management and service characteristics for older people with urinary incontinence: a qualitative study. BMJ Open2013:3:e002926 doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2013-002926.
Orrell, A., McKee, K., Torrington J., Barnes, S., Darton, R., A., Netten, A., &. Lewis, A. (2013). The Relationship between Building Design and Residents’ Quality of Life in Extra Care Housing Schemes. Health & Place 21, 52-64.
Barnes, S., Torrington, J., Darton, R., Lewis, A., McKee, K., Netten, A., & Orrell, A. Does the Design of Extra Care Housing Meet the Needs of the Residents? A Qualitative Study (2012). Ageing and Society 32(7), 1193-1214.
Lewis, A., Torrington, J., Barnes, S., Darton, R., McKee, K., Netten, A., & Orrell, A. (2010). Evolve: A Tool for Evaluating the Design of Older People’s Housing. Housing Care and Support, 13(3), 36-41.
Orrell, A.J., Eves, F.F., & Masters, R.S.W. (2009). Reinvestment and Movement Disruption Following Stroke. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 23, 177-183.
Orrell, A., Barnes, S., Darton, R., Holder, J., Lewis, A., McKee, K., Netten, A., & Torrington J. (2009). The Design of Extra Care Housing: Meeting the UK National Strategy for Housing in an Ageing Society? The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 13, S547.
Orrell, A.J., Eves, F.F., Masters, R.S.W, & MacMahon, K.M. (2007). Implicit Learning Processes in Stroke. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 17, 335-354.
Orrell, A.J., Doherty, P., Miles, J.N.V., Coultin, S., Stamatakis, E., & Lewin, R.J.P. (2007). Failure to Validate the Health Survey for England Physical Activity Module in a Cardiac Population. Health Policy, 84, 262-268.
Orrell, A.J., Doherty, P., Miles, J.N.V, S., & Lewin, R.J.P. (2007). Validation of a brief questionnaire measure of physical activity in a cardiac population. European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation, 14(5), 615-623.
Orrell, A.J., Eves, F.F., & Masters, R.S.W. (2006). Implicit Motor Learning of a Balancing Task. Gait & Posture, 23, 9-16.
Orrell, A.J., Eves, F.F., & Masters, R.S.W. (2006). Motor Learning of a Dynamic Balancing Task after Stroke: Implicit Implications for Stroke Rehabilitation. Physical Therapy, 86, 369-380.
Published Abstracts:
Orrell, A., Dallimore, D, Krayer, A., & Huxley, p. (2018). Social network analysis for modelling integrated social care services for older people with complex needs. (2018). International Journal of Integrated Care, 18(s2), 296 http://doi.org/10-5334/ijic.s2296
Orrell, A., Heaven, M., Seddon, D., & Robinson, C. (2017). Data linkage in social care: a pilot project. International Journal for Population Data Science http://idx.doi.org/10.23889/ijpds.v1i1.286
Orrell, A., Barnes, S., Darton, R., Holder, J., Lewis, A., McKee, K., Netten, A., & Torrington J. (2009). The Design of Extra Care Housing: Meeting the UK National Strategy for Housing in an Ageing Society? The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 13, S546.
Lewis, A., Darton, R., Holder, J., McKee, K., Netten, A., Orrell, A., Torrington, J. (2009). Extra Care Building Typology in the UK. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 13, S546.
Orrell, A.J., Eves, F.F., & Masters, R.S.W. (2002). ‘Reinvestment’ in Stroke. In B., Bagante, A., Leone, & T., Battistin (Eds.), 3rd World Congress in Neurological Rehabilitation, Venice, April 2-6, 2002, Abstracts Book, pp.488-489.
Conference Presentations:
Orrell, A., Dallimore, D., Krayer, A., & Huxley, P. (2018). Social network analysis for modelling integrated care services for older people with complex needs: a feasibility study. 18th International Conference in Integrated Care, Utrecht, Netherlands, May 22-25.
Orrell, A., Heaven, M., Roberts, D., Parry, M., & Robinson, C. (2017). Data linkage in social care: findings. European Informatics for Health Conference, Manchester, April 24-26.
Orrell, A., Heaven, M., Roberts, D., Parry, M., Seddon, D., & Robinson, C. (2016). Data linkage in social care. International Population Data Linkage Conference, Swansea, August 22-26.
Orrell, A., Heaven, M., Robinson, C., & Seddon, D. (2015). Data Linkage in Social Care: a Pilot Study. FARR Institute National Conference, St. Andrews, August 26-28.
Orrell, A.J., Powell, L.A., & Mawson, S. (2013). Are you ‘Ready, Steady, Go?’: Development of a telehealth implementation toolkit. Third Annual International Congress on Telehealth and Telecare, The King’s Fund, London, July 1 – July 3.
Orrell, A.J., McKee, K.J., & Parker, S.G. (2012). Improving continence services for older people. An evaluation of health professionals’ views and experiences of continence management and service characteristics for older people with urinary incontinence, 11th IFA Global Conference on Ageing, Prague, May 28 – June 1.
Orrell, A., Barnes, S., Darton, R., Holder, J., Lewis, A., McKee, K., Netten, A., & Torrington J. (2009). The Design of Extra Care Housing: Meeting the UK National Strategy for Housing in an Ageing Society? XIX IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Paris, July 5-9.
Orrell, A.J., & Lewis, A. (2008). Development of an assessment tool for the evaluation of extra care housing design. British Society of Gerontology Annual Conference, Bristol, September 4-6.
Orrell, A.J. (2007). ‘A Study Evaluating Physical Activity in the Sedentary Cardiac Patient’. Key note speaker British Cardiovascular Society Annual Scientific Conference, Glasgow, June 4-7.
Orrell, A.J., Eves, F.F., & Masters, R.S.W. (2002) ‘Reinvestment’ in Stroke. 3rd World Congress in Neurological Rehabilitation, Venice, April 2-6.