Reminiscence groups, run by professionals and volunteers, which use photographs, recordings and other objects to trigger personal memories, are probably the most popular therapeutic approach to working with people with dementia. Our Cochrane review prior to this trial showed that there were few studies evaluating their effectiveness and cost-effectiveness. There was, however, informal evidence that the inclusion of family carers in groups with people with dementia, notably in our pilot studies, improved relationships between people with dementia and their carers, and benefited both.
The objectives of this trial were twofold: first, to explore the effectiveness of joint reminiscence groups for both people with dementia and their carers compared with usual care; and, secondly, to explore the cost-effectiveness of this intervention, paying particular attention to the pattern of health care, social care and voluntary sector service use and associated costs, by people with dementia and their carers. Please click here to be directed to a copy of the final report.
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